About Me & Contact

This series of blogs has its origins in the tales and shared memories of the men of our family who fought in the great war of 1914-18. Fragments of knowledge stitched together with facts and rumours. It’s been a journey of discovery, with much unknown detail being uncovered en route. Strands of history followed the Farm Boys of Norfolk to France and Flanders, to Canada and back, and finally Mesopotamia and Palestine. As time moves on, and if time and information is available, the stories may extend to World War Two – but there’s only so many relatives out there to cover!

Great uncles and Great Grandfathers and their exploits provide the inspiration for what might only be an infrequent handful of blogs. Someone had to write it down before it was too late…

I’m at davecole364@gmail.com if you’d like to contact me.

Dave C